Talking about money must be a normal thing

Why talking about money is such a taboo?

Alexandre Fernandes
Making of a Millionaire


I remember as a kid, asking someone in my family how much did she earn and suddenly a strange environment was installed at the dinner table

Now, some years later, when I reflect on that moment, I can only imagine the discomfort it caused between them.

It’s ridiculous right ?!

I never understood why talking about money has always been such a taboo. Why people can’t simply speak frankly about this topic? It would avoid lots of misconceptions.

Millennials on that matter are way ahead (for the most part, of course)

Millennials — 1

Non Millennials — 0

-yoo, we totaly win !
Photo by Brooke Cagle on Unsplash

Greg Heller, founder and CEO of HCR Wealth Advisors in Los Angeles:

“Knowledge is power and people tend to feel a huge sense of relief from discussing their situation and possibly fears with regard to money. This in turn allows them to make better decisions, avoid critical mistakes, set attainable goals and demystify the subject of money.” (Article here)

I believe that you can take some advice or knowledge during an open conversation about money. Having this “taboo” culture present in society in no beneficial for anyone, it only creates financial illiteracy among us!


If people don’t understand simple concepts like:

  1. Investments
  2. Savings
  3. Loans
  4. Tracking expenses

They will never be able to reach financial independence or simply have less stress on money subjects. I understand that for a lot of people, finance isn't the hottest topic, nonetheless, it is very important!

Financial literacy is a must, in my opinion, the education system should be doing something about it, also, parents should always give some basic education to their kids on this matter.

A kid realizing that he can be a Billionaire by reading my articles! Photo by Ben White on Unsplash

Many people in the world have financial problems that don’t necessarily are related from a poor paycheck, in some cases, its simply because people have real problems managing their money, connected to excessive consumption, creates instability in their accounts (and lives).

So, this being said…

Let’s normalize money talks, they are good and (most of the time) helpful in a way to add a new perspective or idea to someone not so educated on the subject. We need to have more information on money and talking about it may be the best and easy way to achieve that.

Another step throws financial education is simply searching the topic on the internet, there is a ton of people giving information for free and its very helpful :) I personally watch youtube videos to guide me, people like Ryan Scribner, JJ Buckner or Tara Murphy create awesome content! (this is not advertising or sponsorships by any means)

This article is for informational purposes only, it should not be considered Financial or Legal Advice. Not all information will be accurate. Consult a financial professional before making any major financial decisions



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