
Ben Le Fort
Making of a Millionaire
3 min readSep 19, 2020


Why I created Making of a Millionaire

Ben Le Fort, Founder of Making of a Millionaire

Hi, my name is Ben. I am the founder of Making of a Millionaire and the author of many but not all articles you will read on this publication.

I want to take a moment to explain to our readers why I started Making of a Millionaire.

I have been obsessed with personal finance and learning how to manage money, ever since I graduated from University in 2010. I had a pile of student loan debt and experienced some challenging financial circumstances in the wake of the financial crisis.

I spent the next 10 years continuing my journey of educating myself about money. This education was both formal and informal.

On formal education, I earned a Bachelors’s and a Masters’s degree in Finance & Economics.

On the informal side, I consumed every book, video, blog post, and podcast that discussed personal finance.

Education was nice, but it wasn’t until I began implementing what I learned that I started feeling more hopeful about the future.

Before long, I had paid off my first loan. Then the next. By 2015 I was debt-free.

By 2016 my wife and I bought our first house.

Then we started investing. We bought another house and began building real wealth.

As our wealth grew, the memories of those financial struggles seemed further and further in the rear-view mirror. My stress and anxiety began to melt away, and I could sleep at night without my mind racing and problem-solving.

By 2018 I knew it was time to start sharing what I learned about managing money, and Making of a Millionaire was born.

The purpose and mission of Making of a Millionaire is to help educate, motivate, and inspire people to create a healthy, life-long relationship with money.

I want to be clear that I am not a financial advisor, and I do not work in financial services. You should conduct thorough research before making any financial changes. You should never make a financial decision after reading a blog post. I work very hard on the content you will find on Making of a Millionaire, but I will make mistakes, and more importantly, just because something worked for someone else does not mean it will work for you.

​The ideas and information you read on Making of a Millionaire are a great place to start your research, but should not be the endpoint of your research before making a change in your finances. If you are ever unsure of what to do, consult a financial advisor.

I hope you find the articles, videos, and courses created by Making of a Millionaire to be of value to you. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you ever have feedback or suggested improvements you would like to see.



PS: If you have a financial question or a topic you think we should write about, leave a comment and let us know.



I write about behavioral finance & evidence based investing. Want to work with me? e: info@benlefort.com Here's my Substack: https://benlefort.substack.com/